I am a BIG fan of yogurt! It is just so easy and filling. You can add it to a smoothie, top with fruit, even freeze and eat as a dessert. The possibilities are endless! When I gave up dairy a few years ago it was hard for me to find substitutes that were still tangy and thick. I found a few brands that are amazing and always kept my fridge stocked. If you ever come across them they are a must: Coco June, Coconut Cult, Coconut Collaborative, Coyo, and Cocoyo. Yes, they are all made with coconut milk!
However, $3+ per serving starts to add up SO I did a little digging on how to make my own. I seriously expected this process to be hard but boy was I wrong! The recipe below is fast and easy. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed!

Coconut Milk Yogurt (Vegan, Paleo, Keto, all of the above)
Adapted heavily from the Minimalist Baker
1 can full fat coconut milk
2 probiotic capsules (I like Ther-biotic Women's Formula)
Nutsola Topping
Sterilize a mason jar by filling it with boiling water and letting it sit for a minute or two. Empty and let dry. Pour the can of coconut milk into the jar, empty the probiotic capsules into the jar and stir with a wooden spoon. Metal can react with the bacteria, better safe than sorry.
Cover with a cheese cloth and let sit on the counter for 24-48 hours. The air temp should be around 70-75 degrees, if it is colder you can place in the oven with the light on.
Once done fermenting it should smell just like yogurt. Place in the fridge overnight to thicken it up and enjoy! If the yogurt is too thin for your texture preference, simply strain through a cheese cloth or coffee filter until desired consistency is reached.
To serve top with berries and my favorite Nutsola crumble.
While you're at it, this is a great time to whip up a batch of chia seed jam to mix into the yogurt. Mornings just got a little brighter!